Call for Papers - Peirce and Logic

call for papers


Dead line: March 31st, 2023

Special issue of


A joint special publication:

Center for Pragmatism Studies (CEP-PUC-SP)

Latin American Peirce Society (SLAP)

Guest editors:

Cassiano Terra Rodrigues (ITA-BR)

Jorge Alejandro Flórez R. (University of Caldas-CO)

      C. S. Peirce’s importance for logic has been greatly rediscovered in the 21st century. On the one hand, Peirce not only developed deductive logic in the Boolean tradition as he also laid the ground for further developments by logicians like Tarski and Skolem, among others. On the other hand, Peirce’s pioneering work in semiotics is incomparably general, going far beyond the classificatory caricature to which it is commonly reduced to reach out contemporary problems in the fields of methodology, linguistics, the philosophy of language, design theory, and even further. 

From all that, Peirce developed highly original responses to a myriad of questions concerning logic, and even new and interesting ways to pose the questions themselves: what is the nature of reasoning? How meaning is generated? How to effectively criticize our own illations?  What are the underlying inferential steps of any logical processes? What is the leading principle underlying the passage from premises to conclusion? And many others more. As commonly known, the development of his (not all of them equally finished) systems of logic deal not only with necessary forms of reasoning but included (most notably) probable and defeasible forms of reasoning. So, Peirce’s work emerges as a rich source of inspiration to everyone interested in logic. 

The editors invite submissions on any topic in accordance with the theme of this special issue. We encourage proposals that explore the relevance and originality of Peirce’s thought from the perspective of current questions and problems in logic that identify the leading edge of Peirce studies. Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Peirce and the history of logic;
  • Logic and mathematics;
  • The philosophy of logic and logic as semiotics;
  • Logic and scientific methodology, specially nonmonotonicity;
  • Logical pluralism and truth;
  • The logic of belief and decision procedures, including common-sense;
  • Normativity and logic;
  • Syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects of formalism;
  • Diagrams, diagrammatic reasoning, models, and modalities;
  • Existential graphs and graphic logic;
  • Logic and phenomenology;
  • Logic and probability;
  • Logic and the philosophy of language;
  • The relevance of logic to human life;
  • Peirce’s work in the present and the future of logic.


 Guidelines to authors:

  • Articles will be accepted in *.docx format, but a PDF is also required to double-check the symbols. Due to technical restrictions, *.tex files cannot not be accepted.
  • Idioms accepted: Spanish, Portuguese, English. Abstracts in the three languages are welcome.
  • We kindly ask for everyone to follow the guidelines from the journal page to make the publication process faster. Please, check the Guidelines for Authors at: .
  • For any further information, please contact the Guest-editors at: .



  • The limit for submitting articles is March 31st, 2023.
  • The special issue is expected to be published in 2023, depending on the article evaluation process.


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