All abstracts of the main conferences and, as well, all the selected abstracts for communications or for posters will be published in the bilingual version in the Abstract Book in electronic format (PDF), and will be available on its own page on this website of the Center for Pragmatism Studies.
(ISSN 1983-9537)
The Abstract Books of previous Meetings are available at digital format - PDF below:
Abstract Book of the 19th IMP
Abstract Book of the 18th IMP
Abstract Book of the 17th IMP
Abstract Book of the 16th IMP
Abstract Books of the 15th IMP
Abstract Book of the 14th IMP
Pontifical Catholic University - SP- Brazil
Rua Ministro Godoy, 969 - 4th floor / room 4E-16
São Paulo - SP - CEP: 05015-901 - Phone: (55-11) 3670-8417